I think my wife has been talking to Marvel, they keep cancelling series I was following and as yet they haven't started any new titles starring War Machine, Deathlok, US Agent and Century (Some personal favorites of mine) so my actual buying pile will be dropping, diverting that money into altogether more useful things such as clothing and wallpaper.
The comic that has ended, why it was the comic that should never have been, let alone never lasted 50 issues. Yes, I'm talking Cable & Deadpool.
It was a madman's idea, mixing Cable, tortured son of Cyclops, raised as a kind of messiah in the future, returned to the present and responsible for some of the more confusing temporal bobbins in the X-Men timeline, meets Deadpool, bonkers loud mouthed Mercenary with a healing factor.
While I'd read issues before I only started picking up deadpool near the end of its previous solo title run, it started sporadically with a black panther crossover, but I don't like to talk about it. Deadpool has been one of marvel's unlikely survivors, very much reliant on Fan support and writer enthusiasm. The title was briefly discontinued and replaced with Agent X, equally brilliant work by Gail Simone which only has a slight dip in quality where Marvel forced in other writers. Later, post Agent X we got Cable and Deapool, and it worked, and continued to work. It worked for 50 issues which is an age in comic terms, over 4 years. It had serious plots but deadpool's quips and antics always lent it some madcap fun. Frankly I was expecting an axing 4 years ago but it never came. It ended on a high, with symbiont infected dinosaurs in New York, Deadpool berating Spider-Man on his actions in One More Day (Which is worth the cover price alone) and a nice thought that we could well see Deadpool, Weasel, Agency X and of course, my nomination for best new character ever, Bob: Agent of Hydra, again. It ended on a high and while I'm sad to loose it, I'm happy with this last issue.
Hopefully we'll see more of deadpool now that he's confirmed in the new Wolverine movie, as for Fabian Nichiz.. Nichez... Fabian, well I think the guy is ill treated. His run on Thunderbolts was exemplary and he kept Cable Deadpool as more than just and odd couple gimmick. Newsarama noted that he did great work scripting the Mighty avengers in Deadpool's last issue, and I agree, so Avengers or a new Thunderbolts/Zemo series. Failing that the initiative still has about 40 states that we've not seen, how about an initiative based team book for him to play with.
Go on Joe Q, give this guy something juicy before he jumps ship.
16 years ago