I mentioned this in my “Great titles you’re not reading Damnit” post a while back. Well it’s now gone. Final issue was out a while ago and I’m now blogging about this series as a whole.
Paul Cornell did a cracking job and produced 3 great stories but sadly the comic wasn’t creating enough momentum and lacked the wolverine factor that marvel requires these days (Bitter joke, sorry, try not to let it happen again)
Anyway, it was interesting to see Cornell’s take on captain Britain, really making him up to be our premier hero, and indeed how he expanded other characters, making pete wisdom a tactical genius, working wonders with Blade and spitfire and introducing a brand new character who really worked her way into my affections. All this in a comic based more around fighting magical foes than standard superheroics.
Ok, last issue was rushed, like he was desperately trying to tie up loose ends, indeed like the rug had been pulled out, but Cornell really did a fine job wrapping up plot threads and getting everyone to a satisfactory place. He also got in a good bunch of marvel UK cameos (Surprise Appearance, Yes)
I’ll Miss Captain Britain, for all it was an American comic for an American market, it felt British, it felt like one of ours, and in the current comics market, that’s a rare thing.