Friday, 5 September 2008

Ms Marvel Annual

I have been picking up the Ms. Marvel title since it started in the wake of House of M and has been consistently entertaining. However I was sorely disappointed by the Ms. Marvel annual in this weeks pull list.

The story wasn't bad, the art wasn't my cup of tea, but here's my gripe. It was distinctly short of Ms Marvel. Now I checked, It said Ms. Marvel on the cover, and only Ms. Marvel, ok it had a picture of her and Spider-Man on it, but I would expect a story with Ms. Marvel featuring Spider-Man. What I got was a Spider-Man story featuring Ms. Marvel. It wasn't a bad story, but if you look at what I buy you see I pick up Ms Marvel's solo titles while the only spidey a see is in New Avengers. If it had been called Spider-Man annual featuring Ms Marvel, I'd have left it on the shelf. Yes, I feel I was mis-sold, the issue had absolutely nothing for the Ms Marvel readers, Spidey got all the good lines and the bloody narrative of the story, Marvel turns up, tries to arrest him for being unregistered, then they fight a baddy. Looking at the issue spidey is on just about every page while Marvel barely features.

So, if you don't care about Spider-Man, and follow Ms. Marvel, avoid the Annual. I'm off to complain to Marvel for false advertising.


  1. That does sound incredibly poor.

    I wonder if its to try and boost Spider-Man's visibility for this new story arc they're running (which I'm hearing good things about, in fairness - still not buying it though, I got burned out on Spider-Man's main title years ago).

  2. Thatw as my thought, will every annual be Spider-Man mucking about with whoever's annual it is.

    It in fact made me even more determined not to buy any Spider-Man
