Once again I have to mourn the passing of another great title that was well written, critically well recieved and yet bought by no-one. I speak of She-Hulk, yes, nits not new news, but I was working myself up to a post.
I started on SHe-Hulk at the start of Dan Slotts run (Yes, I have been loving all things Dan Slott recently) where he put the focus on Jen Walters and her job as a lawyer for a firm specialising in superhuman law. It was a fun look at the Marvel Universe from an outside perspective with a good dollop of humour and heart. It was axed once but brought back, and eventually Slott left the title, although as a parting gift he threw in a sly explanation for any unusual behaviour and continuity variances. I woudl like to think that the recent episode of Heroes having Ando and Hiro visit a comic shop tofind out what to do next is at least ins ome way a nod to She-Hulk using her law offices supply of Marvel Comics to find legal precident and superhuman weaknesses.
After Slott there were some big shoes to fill, but tehre was also Peter David to fill them. Dropping us in at the deep end She-Hulk is now a bounty hunter and working with a skrull sidekick called Jazinda. Over the course of his run he's build Jaz into a character I care about, taken a different but still fun tack with She-Hulk and made the title one which really should have enjoyed more success.
Sadly it is not to be, so goodbye She-Hulk. You'll be missed.
16 years ago