Tuesday 13 May 2008

The Invasion Continues

As always, if you're waiting for the trade, I'd not read this one, try my post on U turns, its ranty.

Well, we're now on issue #2 plus we've had 2 issues of Mighty avengers and one of New. First a general opinion, Issue #2 was a bit lacklustre, it served a couple of nice touches but didn't really make the plot shift at all. Essentially it served to let the assembled avengers fight the people who emerged from the ship, and then get scrambled enough that now anyone there could be a skrull. Hawkeye/Ronin was also united with mockingbird who is apparently real. Like I said, would have preferred more movement with the plot, I just hope they won't make a habit of this or the series could really loose its momentum.

Anyway, from these issues and from some previews, some speculation. Fury is gathering young unknowns, so presumably fury knows the Skrulls are only picking important costumed heroes to replace, a nice touch. We know that Duggan, the Countess, Jarvis and Hank Pym are all skrulls, and in New avengers it is strongly implied that Spider-Woman is not just a Skrull but the leader, this could be a red herring but it fits with her strange use of previously unknown powers in Mighty Avengers. One interesting point from New Avengers was a possible clue as to who has been replaced. Basically it is easier to replace people who have murky origins and have died a lot. It doesn't narrow it too much but definitely adds Wolverine as a possibility. Another thought is Norman Osbourne, supposedly killed but suddenly survived, now leading the Thunderbolts, its not too much of a leap. Of course this could also hopefully undo the two kids he allegedly had with Gwen Stacey (Actually Skrulls here's hoping) and I still hope that One More day turns out to be a Skrull plot. Still, rolling along nicely.


  1. Man I was hoping that Spidey would turn out to be a Skrull. Then we'd have had a 70's Spidey (which is what Marvel want apparently) with none of the Satan-dealing.

    Its interesting they're throwing in the possibility of Cap as the real deal. Although I can't see them torpedoing Ed Brubaker's story like that. Or if they did, it'd be a crime even worse than revealing Jason Todd was Superboy-punched into existence.

    I can now see myself getting sucked into the tie-ins, with me buying both Fantastic 4 and Captain Britain this week. Both were excellent, but I really must try to avoid picking up any more, what with Final Crisis and Batman RIP coming out at the same time.

  2. I'm desperately trying to to get dragged in any more than I am with my current pull list. I did pick up Captain Britain, and it was great, but resisted FF, perhaps I was burned by too many irrelevant FF crossovers to previous events (FF Dissasembled, I'm looking at you)

  3. I'm starting to get some serious pruning done, and I'll probably skip any Batman RIP stories outwith the main 6 titles (ie spinoffs in Robin).

    I've already ditched Titans, and Star Wars Legacy is likely to move to trade-collecting in my pull list (a pity, as Darkhorse trades seem to have a really weird release schedule over here).

    I'll probably get stricter with SI as well. The F4 issue was good, but I really do think I'll try and stick to the main title, and the 2 Avengers books.

    Most of the Final Crisis spinoffs are "pick up the first issue and see what I think" for me as well. Stuff like the Legion one I wouldn't even bother with, if Superboy Prime wasn't in it.

  4. I'm mainly trying to keep to titles I already collect, so SHe-Hulk will have a tie in, thats ok, I pick up She-Hulk, but I'll not pick up FF or Thor tie ins or the inevitable X-Men or Wolverine tie ins. Gods Civil war burned me on those.

  5. My wallet is still smarting from Countdown-abuse by DC, so despite being interested enough to pick up all three big summer events, I'm determined to try and keep things to a minimum.

    I was getting intrigued to start picking up Iron Man again, but I still dislike the Extremis armour, and I really can't afford to pick up another ongoing. May buy some of the trades though.

  6. I'd pick up Legacy of Doom, its on Issue 2 but it features the Post armour wars suit being mostly in flashback. Reckon you could still get issue 1.

    Also you might want to track down issue 1 of Viva Las Vegas, which is set in teh movie continuity and written by Faverau but I hope you like Adi Garanov's CG style art, (See iron man covers post dissasembled) because he's on teh book.
