Friday 23 May 2008

This Year's TV: The Returners

I went on, at tedious length about the new "golden age" of genre TV, now I'd like to review the year, ok so the year isn't over but particularly with the writers strike sending everything all ahooey this seems as good a time as any to review this year. As there has been so much I thought I'd split it between this post about the returning series and the next about the new boys.

A favorite of mine last season none the less suffered from some sluggish episodes in between the big stories. There was also the fear that for a series about a giant galactic convoy it was going nowhere. In that respect pitching this as the final series has most definitely done it the world of good. The Razor 2 parter concerning life on the Pegasus was good and had all those nice fan touches like classic cylons. The series itself is really motoring, in fact my biggest criticism is that with all the individual storylines going on we don't get as much of Edward James Olomos as Adama, who has been sidelined of late but still owns every scene he is in. There is also now a palpable sense of danger, the fleet took heavy losses in episode 1 and the government is verging on totalitarian plus religious wars in dogtown its really looking like all hell is really about to break loose. And that's just in the fleet. Overall its been a cracking season so far, and I'm genuinely looking forward to a conclusion of some sort, even if they wait until next year to show the second half.

Wild fan speculation: The fleet is wiped out, cylons populate the earth and become the humans we are today

Worst outcome: They find earth in the 1980s and have flying motorbikes.

Lost was the big "Must watch" show with mass crossover appeal. However for the past 3 years you could sum up the show by saying "Watch the first 5 episodes, ignore the middle and watch the last 5, you'll get the best bits with none of the tedious treading water that the middle of each series gave. Indeed when Lost was good, it was excellent, and when it was bad it was just plodding. There was speculation that this was because there was a disagreement between the show runners and the studio, the studio wanting things to be left open so that the show could run into the ground, the show runners preferring a set timescale, while this was up in the air the series did suffer from an over abundance of padding, particularly in the case of Jack, where I'm amazed we didn't have an oh so significant flashback to the Christmas where he didn't get that scaelextric set he so dearly wanted. However with a 5 year timescale now set in stone this is possibly up for the award of most improved. Things are really rolling, flashbacks have been (For the most part) replaced with flash forwards, adding a new layer of mystery and things just seem to be moving.

Wild Fan speculation: Ok not so wild but I predict that we'll see the circumstances of the Oceanic 6's rescue by series end, and that the final series will be wresting control of the island from the baddies.

Worst Outcome: We see a prolonged flashback concerning Jack learning to ride his first bike.

Heroes had a lot to live up to in its second series. The first was brilliant, but almost self contained. It left a little open but resolved many of its outlying plots. Indeed the first few episodes of the new season seemed to be faltering, but its slow burn and is slowly (On BBC2 speed at any rate) building up interest again, still to see the results of the post writers strike episodes when they allegedly undertook a serious rethink about the direction. Sill, going strong so far.

Wild Fanboy speculation: As long as they can run it out I reckon the underlying story will generally focus on a series "Big Bad" as a framing for development of history and character.

Worst Outcome: It starts getting bogged down in its own history and goes the way of the X-Files.

Arguably the oldest of these old series, Atlantis was one of the few not to be affected by the writers strike managing to deliver a whole series with no interruptions. It sagged in places as all stargate series tend to but we had some fun individual episodes and the arc plot when it kicked in is suitably meaty. Also worth noting is that they finally did an episode where T'ulc and Ronin kill everything. We also got the spinnoff TV movie The Arc of truth to complete SG1's Ori plot which was entertaining and a satisfying conclusion, although as a criticism it lacked the epic feel of some of SG1's season finale's.
Wild Fanboy Speculation: Teyla will be the next series main bad.
Worst outcome: They decide to do more replicator stuff.

Next post, the New boys


  1. We are sooooo getting more Replicator stuff next year, and we all know it :-(

    Personally I've been pleased with the way Michael's shaped up into a good nemesis over in Atlantis. A few more of them and they'd be onto something. The Wraith were always a bit weak, and the last couple of seasons have relied too heavily on a villain that got old years ago on the parent show.

    Its still fun though.

    Lost has been a transformed show this season. Whereas the last two years were a pretty hard slog, and I was close to dropping it more than once, this season's been great, with a real feeling that its going somewhere.

    Oh, and this week's episode is the first of a 3 parter which was dealing with the Oceanic 6, so I fully expect to have all the answers to that plotline by the end of Sunday's 2-parter.

    Only thing I'll disagree with you about is Galactica. There's been some really strong stuff this year (tonight's episode was cracking), but the Starbuck stuff has been utter dross.

    I can't get any sense of danger from a fleet where Adama decides its a good idea to give Starbuck her own freighter, and most of his senior staff to head out on a jolly that could've been accomplished by her, one or two others and a Raptor. That was really bad plotting I thought.

    It really flew in the face of the first season, where they were scrabbling just to survive, and wouldn't have been able to spare anyone without being totally screwed.

  2. See I took that as a sign of how much Adama trusted Starbuck. The idea was presumably that she may have had to jump firther from the eye of jupiter after and so a raptor may not have been suitable, plus it gets us that greta mutiny story.

    Agree taht we should have more michael and less of Robo-Weir in Atlantis, I juts got bored of the replicators in SG1 and they did represent the weakest bit in Ark of Truth.

  3. Thing is, no matter how much he trusts Starbuck, it was still a really stupid move. If the fleet had been attacked by the Cylons (fortunately for him, their civil war sparked off), then he'd have been looking at most of his most experienced pilots being off on a jolly.

    And the fact she hasn't been taken to task over her actions during that two-parter is staggering. She'd gone completely looney tunes, and poor Gaeta ended up with his leg in pieces. Yet no sign of a reprimand.

    Fair enough, she bagged them a pet Basestar, but it'd have still been nice to have had a scene with Adama going through her like a tonne of bricks (which he's good at doing).

  4. I am surprised tehre have been no reprocussions about the mutiny, from anyone, its really unlike Galactica not to have people say, really mistrust Sam at any rate, or there to be some strain between Helo and Starbuck. I like how both sides are currently tearing themselves apart.

    On teh other hand if they get to keep the Base Star, I reckon Adama woudl probably call it worth Gaeta's leg. I'm waiting for the centurions and raiders to go into full scale revolt and hopefully some more screen time for Adama, who hasn't had much to do so far.

  5. I'm guessing you're a bit behind. Adama gets a lot more to do in the latest episode, which is frankly long overdue.

    Scary to think there's only 2 episodes to go this season (in the UK) :-S

  6. Yup, just saw the first big Adama episode. Another take on the giving starbuck a freighter, Adama is now aware the fleet is slowly tearing itself apart and is now really desperate to find earth, not just using it as a carrot as he has been previously
