Tuesday 31 March 2009

Ms. Marvel

My good mate Reilly 2040 has already posted a little on this, I'd check it out at http://reilly2040.co.uk/blog/2009/03/27/comics-26032009/

Well, the final issue of "The Death of Carol Danvers" arc hit, and its been a good arc, with her powers going wonky and her military past catching up with her ultimately leading to her exploding. Good arc, still not Happy with the end, I would have preferred her to take the villain with her or do some big sacrifice rather than just realise that she was going to explode and get as far away as possible. Similarly I'm dubious about now having the series fronted by moonstone.

However, I am a reasonable man and I am willing to give the moonstone fronted series a chance. Of course I harbour hopes that the Death of carol Danvers is a fake out and that she's going to turn up as part of the seemingly bigger squad who will be ending the dark reign.

Not looking forward to the new arc, but It's getting a chance to be good.


  1. Lord knows DC has done its share of fake-outs over the last few years. Be it Booster Gold using his own corpse from the future to fake his death, or Animal Man dying, and then being resurrected 1 issue later (both examples from 52).

    Something similar could happen here. It'd be a killer twist to Moonstone's first issue if it ends with Carol watching her from the shadows.

    Otherwise I really think Marvel could damage a character that'd had a huge push and really gained prominence over the last 3 years or so.

  2. Pretty much my hopes. It helps that both their powers are Kree in origin (Moonstones moonstone is a kree gem) But it really doesn't make sense to suddenly change the lead character after 3 years of hard work.
