Monday 4 June 2007

Fog on the Tyne

Well was away in newcastle this weekend, off ofr a stag weekend along with the rest of the UK. FUn was had by all but, due to the only thing resembling an ale in the stag doo quarter being Newcastle brown I had a fairly major hangover on Sun, and due to knowing that I had about 3 hours of travel ahead of me I broke one of my cardinal rules and took Ibuprofen to get through a hangover. This isn't a problem with Ibuprofen, but I'm a general believer of "Doing the Time" for my evenings trasgressions.

However I was somewhat unsurprised to learn that out Glorius leader to be has already been making marks that if anything he'll be worse than his predecessor, so he wants to try and battle through the legislation to allow 90 days holding without trial. frankly 28 days is too long, bring in the judicial review he wants and what you in fact have is existing legislation with sloppy extras that leave it rife to abuse. Under the old (pre 28 day) legislation you could hold someone indefinitely providing you could majke a convincing weekly case to a judge taht it was necesary. He's also been clearing out the records in teh hope that no one will realise the governments record in IT projects before his next push to get the unnececary ID cards pushed through, after all if we end up paying 5 billion and get anything like any other government IT system I think we may feel conned, just before our identities are plundered by teh first script-kidde to bluder into the system and we're all locked up for 90 days without charge because our ID shows us to be near where some terror was being planned, despite the fact that we have several hudnred witnesses denying this.End of the day for the past 5 years the police, with no extra powers have successfully held off all but 1 and a bit terror attacks. We shoudl be celebrating our very well trained and efficiant police force rather than introducing draconian legislation that plays into the hands of both terrorists and power mad government.

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