Friday 8 June 2007

Super Heroes

Watched the heroes finale last night, and what a corker. I may discuss spoilers later on, but I'll do this in the discussion thread to allow those who want to keep life surprising to do so. Needless to say there is good reason why this has been the hottest new series out there.What made it so, well all the things taht go into a great series like Battlestar Galactica and even the flagging Lost, good, well roudned characters, with personalities. Not cyphers or steriotypes, no "Angry" one or "Weak but really strong" one. Instead these are people who seem like people you may meet on the street (Although usually better looking) and this is where the series gets its main appeal, take fan favorite Hiro. How many of us are office drones dreaming about not only super powers but having some sort of higher purpose, largely to distract us from the possibility that we are, and only ever will be a tiny cog in the huge machine of life. Hiro gets to live these dreams for us with all the enthusiasm we would throw into it.So, Like Galactica it has excellent scripts, fine acting and a well devised plot. Will it win any recognition beyond the SFX Robbie? Probably not. For even like its stranded cousin Lost, or the challanging, topical Galactica, its not about "Real Life" well real life with no imagination. From what I see on Eastenders real life can perfectly legitemately be a small square in London where evenryone's life is one constant humourless slog to death. It can't be good fiction because it doesn't involve a hard bitten police detective in London finding ever more innovative and warped serial killers. Why does Sci-Fi and fantasy still get bandied about as kids stuff. Galactica has not only given one of the most mature approaches to the Iraq occupation, terrorism, class and religion seen in TV drama, but does it recieve any mainstream regognition? DOn't eb stupid, its that daft thing set on a spaceship, what in the world could it have to do with stuff going on in real life, 24 is real life, its set in the present day with US presidents and things. The Fact is that TV SF is in a great place, there are some great writers, great actors, great scripts and stories on the go. However in order to win critical acclaim they apparently have to do "Real World" stuff. so apparently imagination isn't important anymore.To my mind there has been nothing produced in the Mainstream that can match the Imagination and the storytelling of Series like Heroes and Galactica, or like their departed predecessors Babylon 5 and Farscape.

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